Cobb Ch 9

March 10, 2008 at 6:02 pm (Cobb Interaction)

The comment that popular religion reflects a more hospitable home to beliefs of “life everlasting” than those of scholars and theologians reveals a few things. One, is that people aren’t apposed to concepts of heaven or the afterlife, in fact it appeals to the hopeful nature that is present in most of them. Another is that scholars and theologians tend to spend more time on topics that can be explained and understood logically, which means that they can overlook issues that tingle in the unknown recesses of the human heart. The hope that rests in most people is a ready avenue for interaction between the church and the greater society, and in the thoughts of C.S. Lewis, reveals the deeper reality of God. What is important, isn’t the specifics of what ‘life everlasting” will specifically look like, but the nature of the one who knows, i.e. God. The true hope doesn’t rest in the place, but in the one who makes the place possible; this is what we can speak confidently about.

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